Patriot Day Invitational
GOLF TOURNAMENTFriday, September 13th
Join us at the Logan River Golf Course
September 13th, 2024 – Logan River Golf Course
Benefiting a local veterans organization.
Nominate an organization to be the benificiary for 2024.
Thank You To Our Title Sponsor
Our Story
About The Patriot Day Invitational
The annual Patriot Day Invitational was established by the Cache Valley Chamber of Commerce in 2013. Each year, the tournament benefits a local charity associated with the military as a way to honor and support our local veterans. Cache Valley Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with Cartwright Architects & Engineers and other generous sponsors to host the Patriot Day Invitational, with proceeds benefiting a local veteran organization.
Thank You To Our Supporting Sponsors
Cart Sponsor
(Exclusive) $1500 – The sponsor will receive:
- Logo placed on all collateral material and website
- Logo placed on all player carts at the tournament
- One foursome team including breakfast and lunch
Breakfast Sponsor
(Exclusive) $1200 – The sponsor will receive:
- Logo placed on all collateral material and website
- Logo on event signage
- Recognition at breakfast
Lunch Sponsor
(Exclusive) $1800 – The sponsor will receive:
- Logo placed on all collateral material and website
- Logo on event signage
- Recognition at breakfast and lunch
- One foursome team at the tournament
Snack Cart Sponsor
(Exclusive) $900 – The sponsor will receive:
- Logo on the website
- Logo on the designated snack cart
Raffle Prize Donor
Minimum Value $100 – The sponsor will receive:
- Listed on Chamber website
- Listed in thank you ad following the event
Hole-In-One Sponsor
Purchase insurance for item giveaway – The sponsor will receive:
- Logo placed on all collateral materials and website
- 2 Seats at lunch
- Tent/table location at the tee box to greet players (sponsor to provide tent/table and chairs)
4 Person Golf Team
$1000 – The sponsor will receive:
- One foursome team including range balls, golf, and golf carts.
- Premium SWAG.
- Logo featured on event signage.
- 16 raffle tickets.
- Breakfast and lunch.
Swag Sponsor
Minimum value $5 per item – The sponsor will receive:
- Listed on Chamber website.
Hole Sponsor
$500 plus a raffle item (minimum $100 value) – The sponsor will receive:
- Listed on website.
- Hole Sign printed for sponsor (must provide logo).
- Location for tent/table at the tee box to greet players (sponsor to provide tent/table and chairs).
- 2 seats at lunch.
- 16 raffle tickets.
Patriot Day Golf Invitational Hole Sponsors
Questions? We Have Answers!
Call Cache Valley Chamber Of Commerce At (435) 752-2161*
Or Email Jennette At
*Cache Valley Chamber Of Commerce Is Open Monday-Friday, 9AM – 5PM